Palm Sunday in Sarasota
March 24th, 2013While tourists may bemoan their luck whenever they encounter ever-greater aberrations in Florida weather, our neighbors and their landscapers surely rejoiced in the thunderstorms of the past week. It’s not every day we can watch a cargo of Dypsis decaryi, Triangle Palms, off-loaded at a private residence. And it’s a blessing when mature palms can be installed without someone leaving a hose running for several hours.

Copyright © 2013, Skip Lombardi
Along with the flowering Madagascar periwinkle, baobabs and the traveler’s, Bismark, and raffia palms, Dypsis decaryi are among the distinctive flora of Madagascar, where their habitats are seriously endangered by the island nation’s rampant deforestation. Thus, the Florida propagation of these striking exotics may help keep triangle palms from extinction.

New to our ‘hood: A quintet of triangle palms awaits installation
Copyright © 2013, Skip Lombardi
We’re delighted to welcome these stately, silvery palms to the neighborhood and wish them their share of April showers!