Oranges, Sicilian-Style
January 18th, 2009Arance alla Siciliana
ah-RAHN-cheh AH-lah see-chee-lee-AH-nah
No, it’s not a movie about Sophia Loren and the CFO of Tropicana…

Copyright © 2009, Skip Lombardi
It’s a recipe.
And this time, we couldn’t decide on which of our two food blogs it should appear…
A delicious example of how the simple treatment of seasonal ingredients is usually superior to more labored presentations, Arance alla Siciliana are certainly Italian… Ours this week, just happen to be Floridian; in fact, Sarasotan.
As a starter, side, or dessert—the dish is instensely flavorful, just the the thing after too many weeks of feasting. At the same time, it’s a good use of the local ingredients we like to salute. We made ours right here, with the unsprayed, benignly neglected fruit from our back-yard trees. We grew the mint, too.
So we invite you to see the full recipe and story of Arance alla Siciliana, Oranges Sicilian-Style, on Almost Italian.

Copyright © 2009, Skip Lombardi
Then, we dare you to serve them at your Superbowl Party. We promise they’ll disappear as quickly as the wings and nachos.