December 13th, 2008
Three classic pizzas on Dino’s new buffet
Photo © 2008 Skip Lombardi
Honestly, we had no idea until we were already seated and enjoying the best pizza we’ve found in Sarasota that it was opening night on the corner of Lime and Ringling. But there was no mistaking Michael, owner of Dino’s Pizza, on a step-ladder as he hung a bright yellow “Opening” banner while a full moon rose over Sarasota Friday evening.
Inside, staff and family members—grandparents, grandchildren, and assorted in-laws—were readying the brand-new dining room. Mama was touching-up the textured wall paint, kids were placing cutlery on the booth tables, and Nonna was polishing the already-gleaming stainless steel buffet. A mustachioed Nonno was just urging people to take a seat.
And we knew, just knew, that the pies were going to be great. For now, one picture says it all…
Lunch & dinner. Eat-in or take-out. Go now—while you can still get in the door.
Dino’s Pizza
2289 Ringling Boulevard (corner of Lime Avenue)
Sarasota, FL